Construction Takeoff Software

As any contractor can tell you, measuring paper blueprints by hand is a time-consuming job, and can often lead to serious estimating errors. With ProEst, all that has changed. Our built-in digital takeoff function lets you calculate costs using on-screen takeoffs and a mouse—eliminating potential errors and cutting takeoff time in half.

Cut estimating time in half with easy-to-use digital takeoff tools

Faster Takeoff Results

Reduce the time it takes to perform construction takeoffs by as much as 50%.

Automatic Calculations

Ensure estimate accuracy by calculating detailed material costs automatically.

Real-Time Collaboration

Collaborate with real-time access to other users’ measurements and annotations.

On-Screen Measurement

Measure high-quality PDFs with a mouse directly on your computer screen.
Avoid the risk of paper blueprint measurement and calculation errors.

Increased Accuracy

Avoid the risk of paper blueprint measurement and calculation errors.

Fewer Paper Processes

Eliminate the need to print, store and manage cumbersome paper blueprints.

When Construction Takeoffs are in the cloud, every detail is right.

With ProEst, Construction Takeoff functionality has the power and flexibility of our online cloud platform behind it. That means you can measure plans and calculate costs faster and easier than ever before— and eliminate the risk of manual errors. And because our platform offers easy online access, your project stakeholders can work together in real-time, sharing information and notations as a cohesive team. That’s the kind of speed and accuracy that contributes to winning bids and more profitable jobs.
Construction Takeoffs

Easy-to-Read Color Coding

Determine takeoff status with high-visibility color coding that enables quick reviews, including displays of areas, lengths and counts.
Construction Takeoffs

Discipline-Specific Organization

View the pages of your drawing document files by discipline; our Optical Character Recognition (OCR) feature automatically numbers and names each page.
Construction Takeoffs

Automatic Internal Links

Use our advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) feature to link automatically with internal document pages—just a quick click takes you to a more detailed view.
Construction Takeoffs

Powerful On-Screen Features

Cut takeoff time in half with automated features that zoom, pan, auto count, highlight and annotate, right on your computer screen.
“We used to measure blueprints with a ruler and a calculator. With ProEst, the whole takeoff process is faster, easier and a lot more accurate than before.”
--Josh B., Estimator

Want to know more about ProEst Construction Takeoffs? Ask us anything.

We want our software to work hard and contribute to our clients’ success. That’s why ProEst experts are readily available to answer questions and help optimize the ProEst software platform—and that includes our Construction Takeoffs feature. As a ProEst client, you can talk live with our U.S.-based Technical Support team, Account Managers and Client Success advocates as often as you’d like; they can walk you through the construction takeoffs process, point you to additional training and make recommendations tailored to your needs. Want to know more about ProEst Construction Takeoffs right now? Simply complete this form and we’ll be in touch.

Call us now: (800) 255-7407

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